How To Make Your Car Listing Stand Out

It’s a tough market out there in the world of online used car sales, you might have a great car on offer but how can you be sure that people will click on your listing amongst the sea of others. You need some way to make sure that people see your listing, click on it and stay long enough to consider putting down an offer, and that’s what this article is here to do. 


As the old saying goes, a picture tells 1000 words and when you’re trying to sell a car in an online marketplace pictures are absolutely essential. The human eye is naturally drawn to pictures first so you need yours to make a good impression. 

Obviously step 1 is make sure the car is looking shiny and clean, or at least as clean as you can manage to make it look. Step 2 is to remember the background. The more artsy you can get here the better, pick a nice location with colours that contrast with your car to make it stand out. If the car is red for example then park alongside some green foliage to make that red really pop. 

You also want to take as many pictures as you can, get specific, take pictures of the interior, the exterior, under the hood, into the trunk, the better an impression of the car you can give before anyone actually sees it the better chance you have of a sale. 


Price is the second most important thing, as it’s the only other thing besides pictures and the make and model of the car that will appear on the listing pre-click and it will obviously have a big effect on whether people click or not. Pricing an online ad is all about finding the sweet spot. There’s a point where the price is too high and everybody will be dismayed from clicking, but equally there’s a price that’s too low that will make everybody too suspicious to click, and where you won’t actually make any money of course. 

To find that sweet spot you need to do research on your car, primarily by looking at what other people are offering for similar cars in similar conditions. The average of the cars you see is usually the spot you want to aim for, low enough to beat the pricey competition, high enough that you still have enough of a margin for profit. 

And it goes without saying but for the last part of the listing, the information about the car, make sure you use proper spelling and grammar, a small mistake like that can cost you a sale. 

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