When it comes time to sell your car, you’re probably aware of all your usual options, you can go to a dealership, you can sell on an online listing website like Kijiji, however these are not your only options, and you may find that some of these more unusual methods may be right for you.
Sell to a Friend/Family Member
It’s common wisdom that there’s only two things that can destroy a friendship: Love and Money. And while oftentimes introducing money problems to a friendship can be troublesome, if it’s a person you trust then a friend or family member can be a great way to sell a car.
If you have a friend who needs a car and your trying to sell one then it’s a deal waiting to happen, you should still go through the proper procedures of course, make sure they test drive it first (and don’t sell your friends lemons!) but if thing go well it can be a quick and easy sale.
Sell on Social Media
You’re probably familiar with most of the online listing sites like Kijiji or eBay, or even the more specific Car listing websites, however one site that may not initially be on your radar as a place to sell a car is Facebook. However Facebook has an entire market place system which could be just the place you need to go to sell your car.
While Facebook isn’t where many people would go to buy a car, it is a place where lots of people are, and just because they aren’t looking for a car, doesn’t mean they don’t need one.
Facebook being a social media platform can also make vetting potential buyers a much simpler process, since with people’s personal details on display it’s much faster to tell those who are serious buyers versus chancers in another country who are just going to waste your time.
“Cash for Cars” Programs
While often not an ideal choice, especially if you’re looking to make a decent amount of money on the sale, there are services usually marketed as “cash for cars” who will buy any car , regardless of its quality and condition for either parts or resale.
They won’t give you much for the car, and don’t expect much in terms of negotiation, but if you just need a car out of your driveway to make space then this could be an ideal option.
Putting up a Sign
There’s nothing wrong with going old school sometimes, if online listings aren’t working then maybe you can put good old fashioned word of mouth to good use. Just putting a sign in the car window that says for sale can be enough to attract the right buyer, however you will have to be prepared to answer the door at odd times, not ideal if you have dogs but potential ideal if you’re struggling with other avenues.